3 Ways to Attract the Energy of Love Into Your Life
No matter how badly you want to attract the relationship of your dreams --a boyfriend to go out with to exciting dates, a loyal husband who supports you in all levels, or simply someone to enjoy and share your life with-- the laws of manifestation and attraction are always part of the equation.
Have you ever wondered what’s the secret to attract the right relationship for you?
Today I’m going to share what you must do if you want to attract a significant other into your life.
Take a close at your past and past relationships.
Are there any patterns? Do you keep attracting the same kind of guys? What was common among those experiences? Examine your childhood relationship dynamics. It might be that subconsciously you are still hurting and hanging onto feelings from your childhood. For example if you didn’t feel loved when you were a child, chances are you are attracting now partners who are indifferent or that you have to beg for attention or love, or perhaps you have built walls to protect yourself from feeling hurt again.
If there are any feelings of frustration, anger or simply sadness when you think about your childhood/youth/past relationship, ask yourself, what can I do to make this better? Think about such moments now from an adult and wise point of view, and try to understand, forgive and ask yourself what can you do now to move forward. Once you face these resentments/feelings that have been buried in your subconscious mind, they loose their power!
Make the commitment to process old wounds, so you can leave the past behind and you can embrace hope instead of fear.
Fall in love with yourself first. Fall in love with life first. Then, and only then fall in love with whoever you choose.
Many people believe that they need to be in a relationship to feel whole. If you have a deep belief that you are only going to be happy when you find that special someone, you are sending a vibrational energy to the universe of lack and neediness ‘please, please love me, so I can love myself!' which most probably won’t attract the right partner for you. If you’re down on yourself, probably you’ll attract people who will fail to recognize your worth.
Accept and love yourself now. Embrace your uniqueness. Decide now to be comfortable in your own skin.
What are some ideas about love, men and relationships you hold as ‘the truth’? What were you taught about relationships?
Thinking things such as: ‘all men are bad’, ’good men are all taken’, ‘I just don’t have good luck’, ’men are insensitive’, ‘I’m too old to meet someone’, ‘all men suck' etc. may not be exactly helping you to attract the right relationship. Bring awareness to how you created these beliefs on the first place.
Write down the beliefs you have of men and love. Check if these beliefs are supporting you to attract the right relationship for you. You’ll always attract what you believe, rather than what you want!
Wherever you’re at on your journey, always keep in mind that you absolutely deserve love, companionship and happiness. The preparation for calling in your soulmate is actually a beautiful time—equally beautiful to when you’ll finally be joined with that person. Celebrate the love that is already within you!