
Confidence… you can recognize it when you see it, but you may struggle to define exactly what ‘it’ is.

Many people think that confidence is something you are born with, or if you are a confident person, you’re confident 100% of the time… always.

I disagree.

For me, confidence is something you cultivate.  Something you practice... all your life.  

There will always be new situations, new challenges, new adventures, that will require this little magic ingredient in order for you to conquer them.

Whether you want to feel more confident to start dating again, if you have just recently had a relationship break up, or you just simply feel stuck in a rut in a specific area of your life. Below I’m going to share with you some simple yet effective ways to awaken your inner Goddess.

Here are 10 ways to boost your confidence:

  1. Celebrate your own talents  


Everybody has different interests and skills. 
Know your strengths, concentrate your attention on what you’re good at.   It’s too easy to take your talents for granted and assume everyone else is good at what you’re good at.  You have special and unique attributes that make you stand out, don’t take them for granted!


2. Be kind to yourself
Watch the tone of your self-talk.  Be your own cheerleader and treat yourself like a good friend. Swap self-criticism for self-compassion and see how much confident you instantly feel.

3. Don’t talk yourself down
Even if you think you are just joking, or you simply do it out of habit, when you talk yourself down you subconsciously shrink your self-worth (words are more powerful than you may think!).  Notice when your descriptions include words such as always, never, everyone, nothing, totally, impossible. Replace them or qualify them with more liberating words such as I choose to and possibly.


4. Stand tall and take up space
So simple and easy to do, yet so many forget this basic little tip.  Keep your posture straight, your shoulders back and your head high.

5. Own your look
Is your style edgy, feminine classic? You have a personal unique style, so rock it out! You deserve to show up in the world with confidence, and be seen for who you are, and who you want to become.

6. Wear clothes that make you feel fantastic
Our clothes can radiate confidence - or the opposite. So take out those earrings, shoes or the special dress that you love, and wear them, bring the things that make you feel beautiful into your every day.  Make sure your closet is full of clothing that makes you feel happy.


7. Discover your passionate self 
Find that one thing that you are passionate about. Discover that driving force that motivates you. The more motivated you feel the more inclined you are to push yourself through the things that are holding you back. That will give you that zest for life that will give you extra confidence.

8. Doubt your doubts
Doubts lead to fears, and procrastination.  Thoughts like… 'Who do you think you are to take on this challenge? Are you good enough? You’re not a confident person, so what are you doing here?’  Replace them with I was chosen because I’m the best.’ ‘I can do this.’ ‘I am good enough.’ 


9. Bounce back and keep going
When something doesn’t go right, it’s easy to say ’never again’.  But what if you handled the fallout differently? Whether that was a bad date, a bad day at work or a project you are working on that didn’t turn out the way you expected, you have to pick yourself up.  Reframe your experience, instead of seeing it as a failure or mistake, see it as a lesson.

10. Don’t take things too personally
There will be always people who will not agree with you on something, or simply just don’t resonate with your message, your thoughts, or what you do.  The only way to avoid criticism is to do nothing, HOWEVER I know you want to participate in life, and not just hide on the side-lines.  It’s time to stop worrying about what others will say, and focus instead on your big why, and the woman you want to become.


Do you want to Attract real love, Awaken your feminine and spiritual powers?
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