5 Essential Affirmations for Inner Peace

What generally makes us lose our inner balance or inner peace?

When I sat down to write my book Spiritual Treatments for the Soul, I discovered that the most common scenarios that create a negative thought loop in our mind, and therefore stress in our life, are the following:

  • Imagining situations in the future that trigger fears and worries, creating stress and anxiety not only in our mind but also in our body.

  • Playing in our mind, over and over again, something that happened days, months or even many years ago, bringing resentment or depressing thoughts to our present by reliving the situation in our mind.

  • Daily little worries that add up.

  • Trying to control other people's actions or choices.

Having inner peace doesn't mean having no problems.

Inner peace is about not being disturbed by the outer world, regardless of what's happening in our life.

We experience inner peace when we know we will overcome adversities and obstacles, and when we have a deep faith that everything will work out for our highest good.

Trusting the Universe within us will provide us with inner strength, guidance and comfort, specially when going through a difficult situation.

Here you’ll find 5 powerful affirmations that will help you bring more peace of mind and harmony to your life:

1.- I start this day with gratitude in my heart, vitality in my body, and wonderful ideas and thoughts in my mind.

Morning affirmation for inner peace

2.- Everything is working out for my highest good, and for the good of my loved ones.

affirmation everything is working out for my highest good

3.- My loved ones and I are divinely protected at all times.

4.- The Universe loves me more than I could ever know. I let Divine Love permeate every part of my existence.

affirmation for inner peace

5.- I finish my day with peace of mind, knowing my loved ones and I are always divinely protected and guided.

evening affirmation for inner peace

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Paulina Vargas Author Spiritual Treatments for the Soul