The Universe is happy to provide for you in every way…

Isn't it wonderful to remember that?

Though we do have to do our tiny part in the manifestation equation.

Taking some magical steps... like having faith that the Universe will guide us or learning to trust our intuition. Meditation is essential to quiet our minds and listen to the wisdom of the Universe.

Practical steps.... embracing positive habits such as being and feeling grateful every day, with a gratitude journal.  Nothing magnetizes abundance to you like gratitude.

Making our mind our best friend... becoming selective of our thoughts, words and emotions.  

Taking aligned action, doing things that we feel called to do in order to achieve our goals.  Also, using the wonderful powers of our subconscious mind to make things happen. 

And my friend, that is when magic happens! Divine forces start to work on our behalf.

Remember the Universe simply responds to your beliefs, habitual thoughts, words and emotions.  Not what you want or desire.

So here are simple ways to get in alignment with the powerful divine power of the Universe.

1.- Value and love yourself for the Universe is within you

No material possessions, relationships or achievements will ever replace self-love. We are all born with special qualities. Our duty is to discover our real self, recognize our immense value and worth, to make a difference in the world (universal law of correspondence: outer world is a reflection of our inner world).

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2.- Be kind to yourself and others

Life is like a boomerang. What you give, you get (universal law of cause and effect: you get back whatever you send into the Universe).

3.- Be grateful

Appreciate the opportunity to experience life. To experience feelings, to achieve goals, to love, to grow, to overcome challenges (law of vibration: everything is energy. Gratitude is a powerful positive emotion).

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4.- Surround yourself with positive people

Choose wisely who you decide to spend time with. Surround yourself with people who believe in you, support you and value you. Make sure you do the same for them.

5.- Trust the Universe. It knows the perfect plan for your highest good

Is there a specific goal or manifestation that hasn’t come to pass yet? or do you feel impatient because you haven’t been able to achieve something in particular?

It might be time to surrender your goal to the Divine. Sometimes we get in the way of manifesting something in our life because we want it our way, we want to control how it happens, and when it happens. Trust the Universe for it knows the perfect plan to manifest your goal (or something better!).

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6. Leave room for magic

Expect miracles. Believe that wonderful things are happening now in your life, even if you can’t see them yet. Believe that unseen synchronicities of all kinds are helping you now to move forward towards your dreams, that will later manifest in your life.

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7.- Remember your purpose and vision

Write down clearly your 'Why', your reason for doing what you're doing, and your driving forces.

8.- When in doubt, ask the Universe for a sign

Ask for Divine guidance. You’ll start noticing synchronicities, coincidences, songs, messages, books, numbers that will bring magic messages to you.

9.- Follow your intuition

The heart knows what the mind cannot uncover. Developing your intuition allows your inner wisdom to surface. Intuition guides you in ways that your logic could never do. It gives you power, clarity and focus.⠀

Every little step or action you take today moves you closer towards your goals, prosperity and abundance in each area of your life.

Love and light,