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5 Steps to Raise your Vibration Fast (and Feel Better)

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Do you ever have days where life is simply not going your way?

Stress, frustration or anxiety might start to creep up on you gradually

So how do you get out of a negative thought loop?

The Law of Attraction and the Law of Vibration will always respond to your vibration, by giving you more of what you are vibrating/feeling.

Because you’re not feeling good, the feelings you are experiencing are causing you to emit a negative vibration.

Different feelings generate different vibrations. Even though these vibrations can not be seen, heard, smelled or tasted, they are as real as electricity, heat and sound.

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We are always sending a vibration which is either positive or negative.

The frequency is based on what we are feeling.

No matter what you’re currently going through, raising your vibration will bring you more clarity to take better decisions, it will open your mind to new possibilities, help you to feel better and get in alignment with your desires.

5 Steps to Raise your Vibration Fast (and Feel Better) Do you ever have days where life is simply not going your way? Check out this post…

Step 1: Become aware of your Thoughts, Feelings and Personal Energy

The first step to raise your vibration is to identify the vibration you are sending, in other words, become conscious of how you are currently feeling.

As soon as you become aware of your thoughts and feelings, you have the power to change them.

This is not about denying what you’re currently feeling, and pretending those negative feelings are not there.

Instead, don’t judge yourself for feeling sad, anxious, stressed, fearful or any other uncomfortable emotions you’re experiencing right now. Those feelings are here to help you as a sign that something needs to change. Perhaps a lesson needs to be learned, or there is something that you need to let go.

Bring awareness to your feelings, as an impartial observer. This creates a new space for positivity.

5 Steps to Raise your Vibration Fast (and Feel Better) Do you ever have days where life is simply not going your way? Check out this post…

Step 2: Release judgement

If you find yourself complaining, judging and expecting things will go wrong, then you are giving energy to what you don’t want to attract, and therefore perpetuating the cycle by creating and attracting more things to complain and judge.

If you gradually shift your thoughts and start expecting things are going to be better, that you’ll find a solution, that everything is going to workout at the end, your expectation will create positive forces working on your behalf, and you’ll feel clearer, and naturally will gravitate to the right people, decisions and circumstances.

5 Steps to Raise your Vibration Fast (and Feel Better) Do you ever have days where life is simply not going your way? Check out this post…

Step 3: Ask yourself ‘What do I want?’

Reset your vibration focusing now on what you want (instead of what you don’t want). Bring your desires close to your reality by talking about them, visualizing them, praying about them, and taking action.

5 Steps to Raise your Vibration Fast (and Feel Better) Do you ever have days where life is simply not going your way? Check out this post…

Step 4.- Be Grateful

Gratitude helps you send out strong positive vibration. It is an emotion that connects you directly with Source Energy, helps you look on the bright side, and restores your positive energy.

Keeping a gratitude journal is a potent daily tool for maintaining a positive vibration. Take time each morning and evening to note down 3 things that made you feel grateful.

Check out my gratitude journal here. A beautiful place to write your everyday blessings, and also improve your self-esteem and self-love writing what you love about yourself (and not take your uniqueness for granted!)

5 Steps to Raise your Vibration Fast (and Feel Better) Do you ever have days where life is simply not going your way? Check out this post…

Step 5.- Move, dance, sing

Release negative energy stored in your body. Dancing, walking, exercising will get your endorphins flowing and will allow positive energy flow back into your body.

Let music heal your soul. Create your personal playlist of songs that make you feel empowered and joyful… turn on the music, sing and dance!

5 Steps to Raise your Vibration Fast (and Feel Better) Do you ever have days where life is simply not going your way? Check out this post…

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5 Steps to Raise your Vibration Fast (and Feel Better) Do you ever have days where life is simply not going your way? Check out this post…

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